Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How fast can Kager deliver parts?
A. The industry standard is 2 - 4 weeks. But at Kager, machines are always available and we can start on your order immediately, however we prefer a three day lead time. It also depends on the complexity of the part and the quantity desired.
Q. How small of an order will Kager fill?
A. We will fill an order as small as 1 part up to unlimited quantities.
Q. What size parts does Kager specialize in?
A. Kager machines diameters as small as .010 of an inch, and we turn bar stock as large as 1 inch diameter. However our specialty is ¾ inch (20MM) and under.
Q. What materials does Kager Machine?
A. Kager machines: Brass, Aluminum, Steel, Stainless Steel, Copper, Plastics and other similar materials.
Kager does NOT machine: Nickel, Chrome, Inconel, Waspaloy, hastelloy, Monel or other similar materials. We also do not machine glass filled materials.
Q. Why Swiss Machined?
A. Swiss screw machines use a guide bushing to support the material. Only the portion of the material being machined is exposed. This eliminates deflection and allows diameters to be concentric, without taper, as well as extremely round and precise.
Q. Who do I need to speak with at Kager about my order?
A. All questions can be directed to Patti Feller - Office Manager.
Q. In case of a breakdown, where does Kager equipment get serviced?
A. All of Kager's equipment is tooled, serviced and maintained in-house. All standard tooling and repair parts are keep stocked on premises. Also available—next day replacement parts by machine manufacturers, if necessary.
Q. What is Kager's safety record?
A. Kager has had no lost time injuries. Plant safety is our number one priority.
Contact One Of Our Sales Representatives Today
to inquire about a quote from Kager Industries or call us today at 830.997.9391